Roman Paškulin, M.D., Ph.D.
addictologist and hypnotherapist
Roman Paškulin graduated from Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2002. In 2012 he has completed a Ph.D. degree with the doctoral thesis entitled “Pharmacodynamics of entheogen drugs – influence on gene expression”.
He got acquainted with medicine of addiction as a student; in 2002, as a volunteering student in that field, he was awarded with title The volunteer of the year. In the following decade, he deepened his knowledge of lifestyle diseases through medical expeditions throughout the world.
In 2005 he founded OMI institute for anthropological medicine with purpose to scientifically evaluate traditional healing methods; local, European and others. His scientific approach to evaluation of remedies of natural origin aims to bring traditional knowledge into Western medicine. Most of his work deals in the »soul healing« herbs. He has conducted field research on iboga, ayahuasca, and mandrake ethno pharmacology and is the author of a series of scientific publications that bridge molecular genetics with psychological, sociological and spiritual impact of entheogen use. Results of researches have been published in numerous international scientific publications. The most responsive was discovery of ibogaine’s influence on cell's energy metabolism.
Besides being director and principal investigator at OMI, Roman Paškulin is member of Slovenian society of medical hypnosis, member of Advisory board of International center for ethnobotanical education, research and service (ICEERS), lecturer in pharmacology at the University of Primorska and president of Court of honor of Alliance of NGOs in field of drugs and addiction.
Ministry of Health-Letter of recommendation